What is Hypnotherapy and Hypnobirthing?


Hypnosis is a natural state of calm relaxation. It’s a pleasant state of mind that everyone experiences many times a day. When waking up or going to sleep we experience this state of relaxation. When reading a book, watching TV, or playing a computer game we are in a hypnotic state. It’s like daydreaming or drifting into another “zone”. It’s a feeling of inner awareness or “going inside yourself”.
EVERYONE drifts in and out of hypnosis many times each day. It’s a familiar, natural and part of every day human existence. Hypnosis is safe, easy and wonderful.

Discover Powerful, Inner Resources For Fast, Effective Change


Hypnotherapy is hypnosis PLUS therapeutic intervention that is utilised to effectively create positive change in many aspects of your life. It is very different from what you might have seen on TV or a stage shows. You are not asleep or unconscious, you can hear every word that is said and are aware of anything going on around you. You remain in control as you go into a focused inward state where communication with the conscious and subconscious mind can occur. With the guidance of a trained Hypnotherapist, you are able to tap into the powerful resources you hold in your subconscious mind. These resources have always been there but not known on a conscious level. You gain new insights, understanding, wisdom and resolution. Thoughts and behaviours that are no longer wanted or needed can be addressed for positive, empowering change. The therapeutic applications are comprehensive and extraordinary.

Discover Powerful, Inner Resources For Fast, Effective Change


Hypnobirthing is a method of birthing that taps into your natural, instinctive ability to birth calmly and naturally as nature intended. By utilising tools and techniques such as breathing, relaxation, hypnosis, visualisations, and positive affirmations, your birth experience can be empowering, relaxed and calm, whatever the circumstances may be.

Hypnobirthing has been used for decades to create amazing birthing experiences for many mums. A woman’s body is designed to birth naturally and instinctively. The uterus is simply an organ in the body with a job to do and no other organ in the body causes pain when functioning correctly. So having a calm, instinctive birth becomes “the norm” for mum’s who learn these techniques and practice them throughout her pregnancy so she is able to work with her mind and body during labour, birth and parenting.

Check out the INFORMATION tab for more incredible information about Hypnobirthing, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork and how to REALLY empower your mind for amazing positive results!

About Me

Hello, my name is Karen Griffen and I am an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Certified Positive Births Facilitator.

I am experienced, trusted, and passionate about helping transform lives through Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnobirthing.


Hypnosis NZ Certificate Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis NZ Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis NZ Diploma Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy
Golden Thread Trauma Transformation Protocol
Emotional Release Weight Management Protocol
Gastric Band Hypnosis
Certified Positive Births Facilitator for Hypnobirthing
Foundational Hypnotherapy for Birthing Diploma
Registered Member of HNZ

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